Mikser & Kralj Petar Prvi Elementary School

Bringing closer the magic and methods of dramatic arts, “Co-create Change!” is a series of interactive workshops propelling students’ creative thinking and compelling storytelling on responsible behaviour towards nature’s and human’s wellbeing. The project aims to nurture a multitude of students’ creative talents and contribute to further development of their skills in meaningful use of new technologies (creative and educational use of mobile phones, video capturing and editing tools, responsible use of communication and dissemination channels, etc.).The project’s goal is to empower children to influence their environment to live a healthier, more sustainable life by activating their creative potentials and giving them “voice” and tools to creatively shape their messages. While learning through playing and exchanging tips on more sustainable attitudes, as well as mastering in transforming that knowledge in powerful stories, students will increase their knowledge of creative disciplines and gain self-confidence about their own impact on positive change of behaviour, not only within their family, but also in a wider community they belong to.

The co-creation process will result in 4-5 short video stories.