Lottozero textile laboratories & Kunstgymnasium Walther von der Vogelweide Bozen

The goal of this Learning Lab, Fashion School, is to help the students of the collaborating Arts High School to understand the job outlook in the fashion and textile fields and go from having a very generic idea, to actually taking the steps towards a successful career that heavily involves and shines a light on their creative talent and the following career paths: surface designer, pattern maker, embroidery designer and trend forecaster.

The lab functions as introductory workshop, providing an insight into the fashion world and a visit to a local fashion reality where the students have the opportunity to experience the discussed careers and related skills in real life with seasoned fashion professionals.

Following this introduction and as a result of this Learning Lab, each student has the opportunity to create small samples of textiles and patterns or a mood board that can actually be used as part of their portfolio to apply for art and design schools and universities.