Kentimiz İzmir Derneği & İsmetpaşa Primary School

Kontak - Innovative Learning Lab is a social enterprise managed by the Conservation and Development of City Values Association of İzmir (CITY-IZ) and shares the concern for adequacy of formal educational systems preparing and equipping children with transversal and creative skills through innovative practices of knowledge creation.

This Learning Lab is inspired by the restoration of a 100-year-old historic school. The school was built on the foundation of a church and its bell tower, remains of which are still present in the garden where children pass by and play every day. The Learning Lab guides children through the processes of recognition, protection and re-vitalization of cultural heritage at their doorstep. It enables them to enjoy scientific and creative thinking. By means of guided research and the use of robotics, 3D design, coding and prototyping, children will create a 3D model of the historic church and bell tower exhibited at the school.

On 23 April 2023, National Sovereignty and Children's Day in turkey, an exhibition with audio guide and learning materials about the installation invites the school community to discover the result of this Learning Lab as well as a short documentary about the school’s history.