SATURDAY DECEMBER 28th, "TRASHXRAVE" IS BACK, shining bright like a...Christmas tree on a techno heavy bass mode.

Το Σάββατο 28 Δεκεμβρίου, TXR Family Fiyahkidd, PJ_Mugiwara and Lockbird gather again, to serve their DJ duties, along with @carnival_queen of course!

Ένα stage στο υπόγειο που τα χωράει όλα. 

23:00 - 2:00 Party Hits / 90s/ 00s/10s/Trash

2:00 - 6:00 Techno / Electro

Line up a-z: @carnival_queen / @fiyahkiddo /@lockbird / @pj_mugiwara

Photographs: @itssnappi

Graphics by: @con.tino

Doors Open: 23:00

Entrance Fee: 8€

Presale: 6€

Facebook event here.
Ticket presale here.

Anaxagora 3-5

#pop #techno #athens #queer #performers #trash